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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards

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Author Topic:Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards 49095 Views
  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    A number of people have been experiencing problems with even starting up their machine with a RadeonHD card (including Radeon X1000 series) plugged in. This thread is about these basic issues.

    Dual monitor basics
    If you have a dual graphics card setup for testing (recommended), then one graphics card should display UBoot (on UBoot machines), and the other will display an empty screen with a flashing cursor. The flashing cursor is a good sign, since it means that UBoot has initialized it.

    Issues and solutions to various cards
    - A1-XE (possibly other models too) starts with a "No graphics card could be found" (or similar) type message when two graphics cards are present.
    This means that you do not have a driver installed in kickstart for the card that UBoot used as the target card. The card that UBoot displays on is the card that Picasso96 will try to use on startup. This can be selected under "Video options" in the UBoot menu (in UBoot, not the prefs program in Amiga OS). At present, selecting "AGP" as the target graphics card will set the RadeonHD PCI card as the target card, not the card in the AGP slot. Selecting "PCI" will switch to the other card.

    - SAM440ep won't boot with two graphics cards
    Your version of UBoot is probably old. Make sure that UBoot 1.3.1 or better is installed. This version can be downloaded from the ACube website.

    Any other issues, please post them here, along with any solutions that have been found.

  • Raziel
    Community Member
    53 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    A1-XE here

    Both cards in, no display at all. Neither UBoot nor a flashing cursor on neither card

    I can hear AmigaOS booting up though, even the startup jingle plays, but i cannot make either card to display anything

    Of course, due to lack of a PS2 keyboard i have yet to try to switch to "PCI" in UBoot (maybe thats the cuplprit?)
    What DO we have to use in UBoot anyway? AGP (for the PCI card) or PCI (for the AGP card)?
    (Hopefully you will "fix" that soon, it's more than misleading)

    I need to go to work now, just wanted to give it a quick try
    (I don't have any beta drivers installed, yet)

    EDIT: Changing to PCI doesn't do anything

    If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian ~ Paul McCartney
    AmigaOS4 does not have bugs -- it just develops random features ;-)

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    I'm surprised that you have this problem with an A1-XE, because that's what I'm using, and I've always had an output from Uboot. What UBoot version do you have? (Type "version" in at the UBoot prompt). I have version 1.1.1 (Mar 3 2005 - 16:42:53). The fact that Amiga OS boots up suggests that Picasso96 does find a graphics card, but it's strange that you get no output. Which output are you trying on both cards? VGA? DVI?

    Do you have a null-modem cable that you can use to monitor UBoot's output? That could provide some useful information.

    I have the graphics card set to "Boot from PCI," which sets it to use the Radeon 9000 AGP card. I know that this is confusing, but I can't fix this issue because I'm not involved in the development of UBoot (nor do I want to be). Whoever programmed that option never tested it with graphics cards behind PCI-to-PCI bridges.


  • Raziel
    Community Member
    53 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    I have the same UBoot revision.
    I tested on both the VGA and DVI (no output on either).
    I had set it to "Boot from PCI" aswell (gone back to one gfx card and "Boot from AGP" for now)

    I dont have a null modem cable, sorry

    and i dont have a PCI (66MHz) capable PC either to test if the card works at all


    If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian ~ Paul McCartney
    AmigaOS4 does not have bugs -- it just develops random features ;-)

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post


    You didn't put the HD 2400 into the 66 MHz slot did you? AFAIK you cannot use the AGP slot and the 66 MHz PCI slot at the same time.

    @all beta testers

    I recommend that you get a null-modem serial cable if you can (assuming that you have a second computer that it can connecting to) because it makes debugging much easier. It is still possible to obtain crash logs via various tricks, but the serial cable is easier.


  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Given the issues that people are having, it would be a good idea if people posted their issues, plus which motherboard, UBoot version (type "version" at the UBoot prompt), and the card model (including manufacturer, e.g., Powercolor). We might notice some patterns.


  • Raziel
    Community Member
    53 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post


    You didn't put the HD 2400 into the 66 MHz slot did you? AFAIK you cannot use the AGP slot and the 66 MHz PCI slot at the same time.

    Of course i did. I thought that was the whole idea behind it???
    ...obviously not
    Do i have to use a "normal" PCI slot then? Any of the three?

    I really hope i didnt break anything
    My system is flaky as hell atm, giving me broken UBoot screens (letter garbage) from time to time and very early lockups when it makes it into Workbench (switching to a white screen and locking up, locking up while working)...damn

    Im not on my miggy atm, but i will try to sort the crashes out and then plug in the second card again.

    Cross your fingers...

    If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian ~ Paul McCartney
    AmigaOS4 does not have bugs -- it just develops random features ;-)

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Of course i did. I thought that was the whole idea behind it???
    ...obviously not:-(
    Do i have to use a "normal" PCI slot then? Any of the three?

    Ultimately, that is the idea. Unfortunately you cannot use the 66 MHz PCI slot and the AGP slot simultaneously. Choose any other slot. Sorry, I thought that I had warned people often enough about this.

    I really hope i didnt break anything
    My system is flaky as hell atm, giving me broken UBoot screens (letter garbage) from time to time and very early lockups when it makes it into Workbench (switching to a white screen and locking up, locking up while working)...damn

    I hope so too. Try reseating the cards; inserting and removing cards can sometimes dislodge others.


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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards