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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards

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Author Topic:Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards 49092 Views
  • Magic
    Community Member
    11 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    [EDIT] There is an OS4.1 "quickfix" available on the Hyperion website that seems to address graphic problems as well as some other issues.

  • Crusher
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    I have put my Sapphire HD2400 in a 33MHz slot like you recommended in my other posting. I can see the Uboot and that it loads kickstart, but when I expect to see the OS4.1 bootpicture there is only a grey picture(that takes up the same space as the bootpicture hence I have black borders as it´s suppose to have).

    When booting with my AGP card and the PCI card(in 33MHz PCI) then everything works, besides Picasso96mode doesn´t "see" my PCI card so I can´t configure it. I guess it´s just a little thing I have forgot to check, perhaps the monitorfile in devs:monitors?

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Did you use the installer that was provided in the archive? RadeonHD.chip should be in SYS:Kickstart/, and it should have added RadeonHD.chip to the kickstart layout (see SYS:Kickstart/kicklayout). It should also have created the PCIGraphics monitor in devs:Monitors. Also, make sure that the version of PCIGraphics that came with the driver is installed into SYS:Kickstart/.

    If you have all of this, and it still doesn't show the RadeonHD card in the screenmode prefs, then maybe the driver doesn't recognize your card's ID. Please tell me what your card's vendor and device ID is. You'll find it listed on the PCI Bus page as "VGA Controller" behind a PCI-to-PCI Bridge (it'll be on the last bridge in the list of PCI devices).


  • Crusher
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    I used the installer and have all the files where they supposed to be, besides I have no monitorfile for the card in Devs:Monitors.

    The card is a: Sapphire HD2400 PRO 512MB 64bit DDR2 PCI Dual DVI-I

    When I went into Uboot and wrote "pci", I got the device id. Then I wrote "pci long" to get some more info, but it was too much so I wrote "reset" to start over. Now nothing works. I don´t even get Uboot to start i.e I don´t see anything. I have taken out the battery and the pci graphic and still nothing. Feels like it´s broke.
    I´ll let you know more as soon as I can get this thing going.

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    I used the installer and have all the files where they supposed to be, besides I have no monitorfile for the card in Devs:Monitors.

    Do you have a monitor in devs:Monitors called PCIGraphics? Unless you told the installer not to make one, it should be there.

    The card is a: Sapphire HD2400 PRO 512MB 64bit DDR2 PCI Dual DVI-I

    I need the vendor and device IDs; the name doesn't help me. You can use Ranger to get those when you have your existing AGP graphics card inserted.

    When I went into Uboot and wrote "pci", I got the device id. Then I wrote "pci long" to get some more info, but it was too much so I wrote "reset" to start over. Now nothing works. I don´t even get Uboot to start i.e I don´t see anything. I have taken out the battery and the pci graphic and still nothing. Feels like it´s broke.
    I´ll let you know more as soon as I can get this thing going.

    It's possible that you dislodged the memory and/or some other card(s) as you were inserting and removing cards. Check that everything is still plugged in properly, and reinsert the battery (if you haven't done so already). I hope that you get it working properly again.


  • Crusher
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Now my A1 is working again, don´t know what it was.

    Using 0.7 now.

    Anyway, I have now fixed so I use two monitors. When I boot on the HD2400 it looks fine until the bootpicture appears, it fades in halfway(sometimes not even halfway) and then everything stops.

    The Vendor ID is: 0x1002
    The Device ID is: 0x94CC

    I can see the card in P96mode(When booting with AGP) and can attach resolutions, but when I test a resolution everything freezes.

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post


    Do you have a "fixed" A1? I ask because there is one other person whose machine also locks up, and his A1 has the DMA/USB fix. See the "locking up" thread in the private beta tester forum.

    Do you have another machine that you can use to capture debug logs via the serial port? If so, please install the debug version of the driver, capture a log and email it to me.


  • Crusher
    Community Member
    10 Posts

    Re: Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards Link to this post

    Yes I have a DMA-fixed A1, I´ll look into that thread.

    No I don´t have another machine that can capture the log.

    Err.. I must be blind, I can´t find the thread nor the Private area?

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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Issues with RadeonHD.chip cards and Amiga OS motherboards