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Author | Topic:MiniGL and video driver for Radeon M9 for Sam440ep | 11225 Views |
29 October 2009 at 5:16pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
This is my first post here
I'd like to know if there will be an update of MiniGL on the next update of Amiga OS 4.1
I'd like to know, also, if you are working on the video driver for the sam440ep. That's why, i' d like to know if there will be some improvments and if will be added support for hw video decoding on the ati radeon in order to have better playback on videos.. I ask that because i know that on the ati board ( and think also nvidia ) there is hw support for video playback..
Thanks Davide
29 October 2009 at 5:37pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
Hi Davide,
There may be an update to MiniGL, but it will be more of a bug fix. As far as other changes to drivers, I can't comment on that. It is unlikely that support for the video decoding facilities in Radeon cards will be added, simply because ATI won't give anyone the necessary documentation. It would be nice to have though.
3 November 2009 at 2:26pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
Another question please
time ago i started studying opengl and until now i used glut library to manage window and input events, but if i' d like to use intuition to open a opengl window with some polygons inside and manage events, can i do it normally or should i use some external library ?
4 November 2009 at 4:55pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
Generally speaking I encourage people to use SDL or GLUT if they're using OpenGL because they're cross platform. However, it is entirely possible to use MiniGL directly. The documentation is rather limited though, so you may have to download the MiniGL source-code (see the MiniGL section on this site for details) and have a look at the GLUT code to see how it's done.
5 November 2009 at 7:51am Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
thanks, i know as i use the glut library, so what you are saying to me is that the way to create a opengl program using the intuition library is the same as using the glut library right ?
just another curiosity, on the other previous post, you told me that about minigl, there will be a new version with bug fixes instead of an updgraded library with new opengl functions right ?
If i have understood right, you ( all the os4 developers ) prefer to wait and port mesa instead of updating the mini gl right ?
5 November 2009 at 6:59pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
thanks, i know as i use the glut library, so what you are saying to me is that the way to create a opengl program using the intuition library is the same as using the glut library right ?
Not quite, you can use the same method that the GLUT library uses to create an OpenGL program.
just another curiosity, on the other previous post, you told me that about minigl, there will be a new version with bug fixes instead of an updgraded library with new opengl functions right ?
If i have understood right, you ( all the os4 developers ) prefer to wait and port mesa instead of updating the mini gl right ?
Yes, it is unlikely that there will be more functions added. MiniGL does quite a lot already, and we've implemented most features that Warp3D is capable of handling efficiently. Adding more features would require changing Warp3D which is unlikely to happen.
6 November 2009 at 6:25am Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
Thanks for all the infos
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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » MiniGL and video driver for Radeon M9 for Sam440ep