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Author | Topic:RadeonHD in SAM440ep | 11797 Views |
30 November 2009 at 5:38am Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
Since the new UBoot 1.3.1a is released Sam440ep is now able to support Radeon HD 2400 Cards.
Is it possible to use the Radeon HD 2400 Card as Primary device and if yes how?
Will all the 256MB Videomem usuable with OS4.1?
I´m using a Sam440ep/667Mhz/512MB/Amiga OS4.1 over DVI on 19" Samsung TFT (1280x1024x32bit).
30 November 2009 at 3:11pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
Is it possible to use the Radeon HD 2400 Card as Primary device and if yes how?
Yes it is. In the UBoot menu there should be an option to switch the primary graphics device, at least there is on the A1. Once this is switched, UBoot will show on the HD 2400, and Amiga OS 4 will automatically use it as the primary graphics card.
At this stage I would not recommend using the Radeon HD 2400 as the primary graphics card because it has no hardware acceleration at all. This makes all graphics rather slow on anything but the lowest resolutions.
Will all the 256MB Videomem usuable with OS4.1?
It should do, although some cards have reduced apertures. For example, the Radeon HD 4350 that I have has 512 MB, but only 256 MB of that is directly visible via PCI to the CPU. I have also seen a few Radeon HD 2400s that have 256 MB, but only 128 MB accessible via PCI.
The problem with Radeon cards was that some of them split the 256 MB up over two PCI "devices" (a primary and secondary device), meaning that the memory could be split in two. All Radeon HD cards that I have seen so far have all the graphics RAM as one device.
1 December 2009 at 5:15am Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
Thanks for the info.
I hope the progress will move forward in order to make your driver usuable at least for 2D work.
I´m using a Sam440ep/667Mhz/512MB/Amiga OS4.1 over DVI on 19" Samsung TFT (1280x1024x32bit).
13 March 2010 at 9:15pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
I've had a go at trying to get my radeonhd card working with my sam 440ep. But no luck. All i get is a little flashing cursor inside a little square on the top left side on the screen. Nothing from the onboard gfx card. And after some time the screen looses the signal. Did use the installer,but had to rename the monitor driver to only radeon,was radeon m9. Then the installer worked. Also set the pci on uboot menu. No idea if the radeon is working as it should,have no other machine to test it on.
The gfx card is a powercolor hd 2400 pro 256mb 64bit ddr2
This was with version 0.7
13 March 2010 at 9:46pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
The flashing cursor tells me that UBoot has chosen the other graphics card to be the primary card. UBoot should be displaying on the onboard graphics card. Seeing as it's not, you have a UBoot configuration issue.
The driver switches off the screen when it initializes. It's then up to the OS to open a screen on the card. Did you check the output from the onboard graphics card when this happens?
What do you mean when you say "Also set the pci on uboot menu"?
You could try hooking up your SAM's serial port to another computer to see if UBoot spits out any information.
14 March 2010 at 4:20pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
I had both gfx cards to their own monitor. The monitor from the onboard gfx card didn't show anything.
I had set in the uboot to use pci card as primary gfx card.
I have no other machine to hook up to,so can't see output.
14 March 2010 at 4:24pm Last edited: 29 May 2010 9:05pm
Have you updated UBoot to the latest version that ACube provided?
You could try setting it back to using the onboard graphics card as primary, and see if you can use the Radeon HD card once Amiga OS has started up.
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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » RadeonHD in SAM440ep